I imagine a stage. I imagine a person on that stage. In silence. I imagine the spectators looking at this person in this stage. I imagine this person moving. I imagine the observation of these spectators that are watching. I imagine that the person on the stage explains that each movement is a sound. I imagen that the person on stage starts to move again. I imagine the minds of the spectators beginning to sound. I imagine their sound trip. I imagen that in that huge silence a lot of marvelous musics are appearing, so I imagine that there is no silence anymore.
Soundtrack is a soundtrack and it is also the
soundtrack of itself. And at the same time there are many
soundtracks, as many as there are listeners, as many as there
are “performers”. Because the listener and the performer are the
same person. The performer is the sheet: a sheet that manipulate
a lot of sheets. Therefore Soundtrack is the soundtrack of
several soundtracks listened and made by multiple listener/
In Soundtrack I work with the idea of Soundidation. An invented
word through a small etymological drift:
• Imagen: from latin imago (portrait, copy, imitation).
• Imaginación: from latin imaginatio. It means “action and
effect of forming a mental figure” (an image). Its lexical
components are: imago (portrait), plus the suffix -ción (action
and effect).
• Sonido: from latin sonitus and it means “feeling of
listening”. Its lexical components are : sonare (to make a
noise), plus the suffix -ido (quality perceptible by the
• Sonidación (Soundidation): action and effect of forming a
mental sound. Its lexical components are: sonare (to produce a
sound), plus the suffix -ción (action and effect).